Como muchos ya sabran, y otros no, cada nombre de cada capitulo de Gossip Girl esta basado en el nombre de una pelicula. A continuacion les dejo una lista con el nombre de cada capitulo y el nombre de la respectiva pelicula en la cual fue basada.
Temporada 1
1x01: Pilot - El unico capitulo que no esta basado en ninguna pelicula
1x02: The Wild Brunch - Basado en una pelicula de 1969 "The Wild Bunch" (La Pandilla Salvaje/Grupo Salvaje).
1x03: Poison Ivy - Basada en una pelicula de 1992, con Drew Barrymore, con el mismo nombre. (Hiedra venenosa/La Venenosa/Seduccion Fatal)
1x04: Bad News Blair - Basado en la pelicula "Bad News Bears" (Los Osos de la mala suerte/Una Pandilla de pelotas) del director de School Of Rock.
1x05: Dare Devil - Basado en la pelicula "Daredevil", con Ben Affleck y Jennifer Garner.
1x06: The Handmaiden's Tale - Basada en la pelicula de 1990 "The Handmaid's Tale" (El Cuento De La Doncella).
1x07: Victor/Victrola - Basado en el exitoso musical y pelicula con Julie Andrews "Victor/Victoria".
1x08: Seventeen Candles - Basado en la pelicula de 1984 "Sixteen Candles" (Se Busca Novio/Dieciséis velas) .
1x09: Blair Waldorf Must Pie - Basado en la pelicula "John Tucker Must Die" (Todas contra John/Todas Contra El) en la cual hace una aparición Penn Badgley.
1x10: Hi, Society - Basado en la pelicula de 1956 "High Society" (Alta Sociedad) Con Grace Kelly.
1x11: Roman Holiday - Basado en la pelicula de 1953 con Audrey Hepburn con el mismo nombre. (La Princesa Que Queria Vivir/Vacaciones En Roma)
1x12: School Lies - Basado en la pelicula "School Ties" (Código de honor) con Brendan Fraser y Matt Damon.
1x13: A thin Line Between Chuck And Nate - Basado en "A Thin Line Between Love and Hate ".
1x14: The Blair Bitch Project - Basado en la famosa película "The Blair Witch Project" (El Proyecto De La Bruja De Blair).
1x15: Desperately Seeking Serena - Basado en la pelicula de 1985 "Desperately Seeking Susan" (Buscando desesperadamente a Susan) con Madonna.
1x16: All About My Brother - Basado en la pelicula dirigida por Almodovar "All About My Mother" (Todo Sobre Mi Madre).
1x18: Woman On The Verge - Basado en la pelicula de Almodovar "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" (Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios) con Antonio Banderas.
1x19: Much "I Do" About Nothing - Basado en la pelicula y Libro de Shakespeare "Much Ado About Nothing" (Mucho Ruido Y Pocas Nueces).
Temporada 2
2x01: Summer, Kind Of Wonderful - Basado en la pelicula de 1987 "Some Kind Of Wonderful" (Una Maravilla Con Clase).
2x02: Never Been Marcused - Basado en la pelicula de Drew Barrymore "Never Been Kissed" (Jamas Besada).
2x03: The Dark Night - Basado en la ultima pelicula de Batman "The Dark Knight" (Batman: El Caballero De La Noche).
2x04: The Ex-Files - Basado en la famosa pelicula y serie, "The X Files" (Los Expedientes Secretos X).
2x05: The Serena Also Rises - Basado en al pelicula de 1957 "The Sun Also Rises" (Fiesta).
2x06: New Haven Can Wait - Basado en la pelicula de 1978 "Heaven can Wait" (El Cielo Puede Esperar).
2x07: Chuck In Real Life - Basado en la conocida pelicula "Dan In Real Life" (Dani, un tipo de suerte/Dan en la vida real).
2x08: Pret-a-poor-Jenny - Basado en la pelicula con Sophia Loren "Prêt-à-Porter".
2x09: There Might Be Blood - Basado en la Pelicula del 2007 "There Will be Blood" (Petróleo Sangriento/Pozos de ambición).
2x10: Bonfire Of The Vanity - basado en la pelicula con Tom Hanks y Melanie Grifith "The Bonfire of the Vanities" (La Hoguera De Las Vanidades).
2x11: The Magnificent Archibalds - Basado en la pelicula de Orson Welles "The Magnificent Ambersons" (El Cuarto Mandamiento).
2x12: Its A Wonderful Lie - Basado en la pelicula de 1946 "It's A Wonderful Life" (Qué bello es vivir).
2x13: Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou? - Basado en la pelicula con George Clooney "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" (Dónde estás, hermano?/O Brother!)
2x14: In The Realm Of The Basses - Basado en el documental de 2004 "In The Realms Of The Unreal".
2x15: Gone With The Will - Basado en la famosa pelicula de 1939 "Gone With The Wind" (Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo).2x16: You've Got Yale - Basada en la famosa pelicula de 1998 con Tom Hanks y Meg Ryan "You've Got Mail" (Tienes Un E-Mail)
lunes, 12 de enero de 2009
miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009
David Beckham: So Hot He Scares Ed Westwick

Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick is no stranger to manly beauty. Every day he works alongside such paragons of masculine fineness as Chace Crawford and Penn Badgley. And yet the 21-year-old British-born actor went all aflutter in the presence of man's man and king of the metros, David Beckham, 33.
Westwick confesses to UK magazine Reveal (via Radar) that he was feeling cool as a teenage TV-star at a New York party. Classically handsome David Bowie was seated at the adjacent table and devilishly gorgeous George Clooney shook his hand. Young Westwick took all of this attention in his stride, until his bladder sent him in search of relief.
"I went to the toilet, and there was David Beckham. I couldn't say anything, I just ran out. A friend tried to persuade me to say, 'Hello,' but I couldn't do it. It was ridiculous. There have been a couple of times now that I've been in the same room as him, but I just can't go up to him. I can't do it."
Surely, there is someone who can advise shy Ed on how to make a good impression at the urinal.
For starters, some people say that the best way not to be intimidated by a person, is to picture that person naked. But picturing the nude Beckham might not quite work for Ed in this situation.
Leighton Meester Is a Catty Songbird

Do actual musicians make music anymore, or is it all just television and movie stars?
Throw scheming Gossip Girl temptress Leighton Meester onto the ever-growing stack forming upon the actress-turned-pop-singer train.
"I’ve always done [music], just now I am actually doing an album that I plan to release," says Blair Waldorf's real-life alter ego to Access Hollywood.
Wonder if it'll be called Jailhouse Rock?
"It's so cool because it's a completely different creative process. From beginning to end it's yours and you make it… It's sometimes hard when you’re acting to be like, 'Oh I see the finished product right before my eyes.'"
Yeah, well, certain other things have happened right before your eyes, Leighton, but you seemed pretty content to not make it any of your business.
How to Live Like...Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester, of the CW's hit show Gossip Girl, has shot to fame as one of Hollywood's hottest young celebrities.
The 22-year-old beauty plays Blair Waldorf, the scheming New York socialite who occupies her time by sabotaging the lives of those who threaten her position as the queen bee.
While it may seem that Leighton's character mirrors her real-life persona, with her designer brand clothing and perfectly put together appearance, the starlet's upbringing was not quite that of an Upper East Side princess.
Leighton overcame serious odds to reach her A-list status, but here she is, sitting atop her Tinseltown throne, looking down on all the little people who only dream of a life as glamorous as hers.
Celebuzz digs up the dirt on how Leighton stays so fabulous!
Leighton has become a fixture on the Hollywood red carpets; so it's no rare occasion to see the gossip girl showing off that perfectly slim body of hers.
For any envious ladies out there, Leighton credits her goddess-like physique to a rotation of three different cardio routines, 20 minutes each. She's a fan of biking, roller blading and running.
It's nice to see a celeb who knows how to get thin without reaching the point of frightening emaciation!
Even though Leighton is a natural beauty, with her unique features, flawless skin and flowing tresses, there are still those products that she just couldn't live without!
The actress spilled on some of her favorites in the August 2008 issue of Lucky magazine.
Lip Fusion Lip Plump Color Shine in Sweet and Sexy.
"I can't even count how many shades of lip gloss I own. I'll start my day off with something light, and by the end, I've piled on five different colors and have full-on red lips."
Paula Dorf Eye Primer
"I put this on before my eyeshadow, and it keeps everything from getting clumped in the creases."
Leighton's been all over the place with her recent emergence as a Hollywood superstar. From gracing the covers of a mulitude of magazines, to guest starring on HBO's Entourage, to putting out her first album, it's hard to imagine how the fashionista gets any down time.
Somehow she does it though, finding a spare moment here and there to hang with her actor boyfriend, Sebastian Stan or hit up friend and co-star, Blake Lively's movie premiere.
Leighton Meester really does it all!
The 22-year-old beauty plays Blair Waldorf, the scheming New York socialite who occupies her time by sabotaging the lives of those who threaten her position as the queen bee.
While it may seem that Leighton's character mirrors her real-life persona, with her designer brand clothing and perfectly put together appearance, the starlet's upbringing was not quite that of an Upper East Side princess.
Leighton overcame serious odds to reach her A-list status, but here she is, sitting atop her Tinseltown throne, looking down on all the little people who only dream of a life as glamorous as hers.
Celebuzz digs up the dirt on how Leighton stays so fabulous!
Leighton has become a fixture on the Hollywood red carpets; so it's no rare occasion to see the gossip girl showing off that perfectly slim body of hers.
For any envious ladies out there, Leighton credits her goddess-like physique to a rotation of three different cardio routines, 20 minutes each. She's a fan of biking, roller blading and running.
It's nice to see a celeb who knows how to get thin without reaching the point of frightening emaciation!
Even though Leighton is a natural beauty, with her unique features, flawless skin and flowing tresses, there are still those products that she just couldn't live without!
The actress spilled on some of her favorites in the August 2008 issue of Lucky magazine.
Lip Fusion Lip Plump Color Shine in Sweet and Sexy.
"I can't even count how many shades of lip gloss I own. I'll start my day off with something light, and by the end, I've piled on five different colors and have full-on red lips."
Paula Dorf Eye Primer
"I put this on before my eyeshadow, and it keeps everything from getting clumped in the creases."
Leighton's been all over the place with her recent emergence as a Hollywood superstar. From gracing the covers of a mulitude of magazines, to guest starring on HBO's Entourage, to putting out her first album, it's hard to imagine how the fashionista gets any down time.
Somehow she does it though, finding a spare moment here and there to hang with her actor boyfriend, Sebastian Stan or hit up friend and co-star, Blake Lively's movie premiere.
Leighton Meester really does it all!
Leighton Meester Tells All...About Herself

Gossip Girl fans might have their illusion of wealthy queen bee Blair Waldorf shattered when they pick up this week's issue of Us.
Leighton Meester, who plays the rich-bitch socialite on the teen soap, opens up about her parents' drug-smuggling past.
"It makes me very nonjudgmental and open-minded," says the 22-year-old starlet. "And I think it just makes me appreciate the things that I have now."
Hmmm. She must be referring to that dog she has that pees on the set.
Leighton's parents Connie and Doug both served time in the slammer during the '80s, and the actress herself was born while her mother was incarcerated.
"Anything that her mother and I did that was questionable occurred before she was born," Doug tells Us.
Looks like Leighton just pulled the rug out from any future tell-alls that might have been written about her by beating everyone to the punch. How very Blair-like.
Now if only she'd spill it on what really went down between her two male co-stars and Drew Barrymore this past weekend...
Nueva cara en Gossip Girl.

Kate French realizo un cast para participar en Gossip Girl, los fanaticos de TV han dicho.
Kate actualmente actua en el programa The L Word como la escandalosa actris Nikki Stevens, quien a menudo es vista en su traje de cumpleaños en la provocativa serie.
En Gossip Girl, Kate interpretara a Elle, una misteriosa niñera que llega a la ciudad y se involucra con el personaje de Ed Westwick, Chuck Bass.
La llegada de Elle suena como si fuera justo en el momento en que Chuck se ve involucrado en una espiral de malos habitos luego de la muerte de su padre, y, a su manera, su sexy tio alienta su mal comportamiento.
Pero ninguna palabra se ah dicho acerca de si Kate estara usando su mismo guardaropa para su paso por XOXO!.
Kate actualmente actua en el programa The L Word como la escandalosa actris Nikki Stevens, quien a menudo es vista en su traje de cumpleaños en la provocativa serie.
En Gossip Girl, Kate interpretara a Elle, una misteriosa niñera que llega a la ciudad y se involucra con el personaje de Ed Westwick, Chuck Bass.
La llegada de Elle suena como si fuera justo en el momento en que Chuck se ve involucrado en una espiral de malos habitos luego de la muerte de su padre, y, a su manera, su sexy tio alienta su mal comportamiento.
Pero ninguna palabra se ah dicho acerca de si Kate estara usando su mismo guardaropa para su paso por XOXO!.
lunes, 5 de enero de 2009
Alguien esta volviendo...
Bajen las escotillas, Upper East Siders — El huracán Georgina está soplando nuevamente hacia la ciudad.Fuentes confirman que Michelle Trachtenberg está retomando su rol como la archi némesis de Blake Lively en Gossip Girl en múltiples episodios.Un reportero de Gossip se rehusó a comentar, pero una fuente exclusiva me dijo que Georgina, quién fue vista por última vez expulsada del Correccional Kimberly Shaw para Perras Psicópatas, reaparecerá para el final de la temporada.En noticias relacionadas, ¿Escucharon el rumor de que Georgina resultará ser el fruto del amor entre Lily y Rufus? ¿Una locura, no? Bueno, es más loco si considerás el hecho que dice que el fruto de su amor es (spoiler alert!) ******** * **.
sábado, 3 de enero de 2009
Kelly pide el divorcio??

La actriz de Gossip Girl, Kelly Rutherford le pidió el divorcio el viernes a su esposo de dos años, Daniel Giersch, según reportó
Kellyestá embarazada de tres meses de su segundo hijo. La pareja recibió a su hijo Hermes Gustaf Daniel Giersch hace dos años.
La actriz cita ‘diferencias irreconciliables’ en el papeleo, que fué sometido a un juez en Los Angeles en el Tribunal Superior.
Rutherford, 40, se separó de Carlos Tarajano en el 2001 depués de sólo cinco meses de matrimonio.
Kellyestá embarazada de tres meses de su segundo hijo. La pareja recibió a su hijo Hermes Gustaf Daniel Giersch hace dos años.
La actriz cita ‘diferencias irreconciliables’ en el papeleo, que fué sometido a un juez en Los Angeles en el Tribunal Superior.
Rutherford, 40, se separó de Carlos Tarajano en el 2001 depués de sólo cinco meses de matrimonio.
viernes, 2 de enero de 2009
Taylor Momsen en la prtada de CosmoGirl.

La actris de 15 años, modelo y problematica Gossip Girl, conto a la revista acerca de su memorable baile de promocion: “La mayoria de mis amigos son mas grandes y era como, ‘Te sientas en nuestra mesa todos los dias, por lo que tienes que venir a nuestro baile’… Es divertido decir que la fecha de nuestra prom. fue el Viernes 13. Nunca olvidare esa fecha!”.
“… Todos los demas se sacaron sus zapatos en cuanto llegaron al lugar, pero yo mantuve mis pies limpios. Nunca entre en la vanidad de hacer ese tipo de cosas. Es con mis amigos. Si estoy incomoda, entonces no estoy incluso en mi misma piel. Puedes lucirte bien y igual sentirte comoda”.
Como consejo para su tan difamada alter-ego de Gossip Girl, Little J, Taylor Momsen dice, “Ve (al baile)!. No vivo una vida tradicional, por lo que estoy contenta de haber ido. Es un importante paso de la vida que todo el mundo deberia tener en su experiencia”.
Como consejo para su tan difamada alter-ego de Gossip Girl, Little J, Taylor Momsen dice, “Ve (al baile)!. No vivo una vida tradicional, por lo que estoy contenta de haber ido. Es un importante paso de la vida que todo el mundo deberia tener en su experiencia”.

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